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Drive Product Innovation with AI Insights

Briefly provides actionable insights, automates routine tasks, and ensures you stay focused on strategic initiatives.

Try Briefly for free now or get in touch to plan your custom integrations

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Capture and share critical product feedback

  • Streamline feedback collection from user interviews and testing sessions.
  • Consolidate key points and insights in your meeting repository.
  • Share customer feedback with engineering, marketing, and sales teams to ensure alignment.

Enhance product development with AI

  • Automatically generate AI-powered meeting summaries and follow-ups.
  • Use Briefly Create to turn meeting transcripts into actionable documents like feature requests, bug reports, and product roadmaps.
  • Sync AI-generated insights directly to your project management tools for seamless integration.

Monitor customer sentiment

  • Track changes in customer sentiment across calls and feedback sessions.
  • Revisit transcribed calls to ensure no detail is missed.
  • Group summaries based on common themes to identify trends and areas for improvement.